Friday, March 12, 2010

How to Use Twitter As Part of You Internet Marketing Strategy

Social media marketing has become an almost essential part of any internet marketing strategy. It is free and can have really great results if done properly.

If you are marketing on the Internet then you should be using Twitter as one of your free marketing methods. Here is a brief overview of how to do it.

First, you must have a Twitter account. When you create your Twitter account, do so using your name and a photo, not some cartoon or icon. It's not only about building relationships here, but branding yourself and building your presence. Your Twitter page will appear on a Google search of your name. Mine appears on the first page of Google search for my name.

Once you have an account you need to get some followers. When people follow you your tweets (mini posts) will appear on their wall when they are viewing their Twitter page.

To get followers first you must follow others. Start by doing a search within Twitter. Search for someone related to the topic you are involved with. For instance, if you are involved with a company that uses attraction marketing you may want to search for Mike Dillard. Once you get to his page you will click on the word 'Following". It will be on the right side of his page. This will bring up a list of people who follow Mike Dillard on Twitter. Then you go through this list and choose people to follow. Some of those people will automatically follow you back. You will also have people start following you simply because you active on Twitter.

There are also use free tools like and also make building a following pretty simple (the latter lets you set up auto-following based on keywords).

Do not follow more than 100 to 150 people per day. Twitter considers this too aggressive. They may close your account. Also, you must keep your ratio of followers to following within 10%.

If you are a Twitter newbie remember that as with any social network, it's about relationships. If you are too aggressive in promoting your business people will simply stop following you.

Twitter Tips Tweet (post) at least once or twice a day. As you build a large following you will want to increase this, as only a small portion will be likely to see your Tweet at the time you Tweet it.

Provide value (content) primarily, not spam! Give Them Something to Tweet About! Your Tweets should be pleasant, consistent, uplifting, entertaining and/or educational. Adding tweets directly related to your product or opt-in page is fine, after all that's why you are doing this, right?. You should keep this at about a 1/3 ratio. One promotional tweet for every 3 content tweets.

ReTweet (RT) content that you like! If you are getting lots of RTs on your content then you know you are on the right track! You can use Twitter's 'Retweet' link, or to add a short comment, just click the 'Reply' link (you have to float your mouse over the right side of the post to see the 'Retweet' and 'Reply' links appear), and type 'RT' prior to the @username.

Thank your followers who RT'ed your Tweets. This is very important especially for content that you have written or even RTs of your products or opt-in Tweets! And, be SURE you are following them! This is done by the @Reply. This is a great way to build relationships.

Reply to your @Replies - Your @Replies view (found in your @Replies view which is on your 'Home' page right above your 'Direct Messages' ink on the right sidebar, where you will see @YourUserId) shows messages that are directed personally to you as well as recommendations for you. Reply to as many of these as you can! You can combine multiple replies with a short 'Thnx 4 RTs & Shouts' or similar if you get a lot of them.

Watch your DMs for any personal messages. This may mean sifting through lots of spam. DO NOT follow links here, this is where many Twitter viruses have been and still are spread.

There is a service called it does a lot for free, allowing you to auto-follow-back and schedule Tweets ahead of time. This is a great tool as it allows to leverage your time by scheduling Tweets for the whole day.

Now you that you have the basic idea go and get tweeting!

By the way, I learned all of this from the education provided at Carbo Copy Pro. You can read more helpful internet marketing tips on my blog.

Hi I'm Terrie Taylor, an Internet Marketer working with a company called Carbon Copy Pro. I also have a blog where I help other marketers get started or improve their skills. You can learn more about me at

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